How Appreciation in the Workplace Enhances Employee Experience
How Appreciation in the Workplace Enhances Employee Experience
With thanksgiving around the corner, it’s a good time to reflect, acknowledge and show appreciation towards colleagues and employees in the workplace. Not only does this have a positive impact on your employees, but it also indirectly benefits the workplace. If employees are appreciated and acknowledged for their contributions, they are more likely to be engaged in their jobs, satisfied in their roles and loyal to the organization that they work for, which all play a crucial role in organizational productivity and operational efficiency. In this blog, we explore how employee appreciation goes beyond showing your gratitude on only one occasion, but rather making it a continuous effort that influences a variety of aspects throughout the employee journey.
The Connection Between Appreciation and Employee Experience
When employees feel valued and appreciated in the workplace, it contributes to their overall experience with the organization, ultimately having an impact on their productivity, their engagement and their loyalty to the organization. Research shows that employees who are appreciated in the workplace are 36% more likely to stay engaged and productive, proving that showing appreciation toward colleagues and employees has a positive impact on overall business performance.
In summary, showing appreciation has numerous benefits such as:
- Increased productivity
- Increased job satisfaction
- Increased engagement
- Increased morale and well-being
- Increased employee retention
- Increased operational efficiency
Examples of How Appreciation Enhances Employee Experience
Creates a sense of belonging and inclusion
Recognizing employees for their efforts and contributions on a regular basis makes them feel as if they are valued and that they play an integral part of their team and the organization at large. In order to foster a sense of belonging and inclusion, ensure you regularly celebrate their perspectives and accomplishments in the organization, whether that looks something like contributing to the strategy of a project or signing a new client.
Increases productivity and motivation
When employees are acknowledged and appreciated for their hard work, it boosts their motivation as a result, encouraging them to continually put in their best effort at work. Research shows that up to 90% of employees who receive recognition for their work motivates them to put in more effort. As a result of employees feeling valued and motivated, the organization benefits from an increase in productivity and efficiency, resulting in a win-win situation for all.
Strengthens team dynamics and colleague relationships
Showing appreciation amongst colleagues builds trust and encourages connection between employees, which has the potential to strengthen overall team dynamics. This can be done by implementing a recognition programme in the workplace, such as “Employee of the month”, where each employee has the ability to nominate and thank someone for their contributions that month.
Reduces burnout and supports mental well-being
When employees aren’t acknowledged for their efforts and hard work, stress may built up, which can result in employees feeling disconnected from work and burnt out. By showing appreciation toward employees, it can significantly alleviate pressure, reduce stress and also provides a sense of support, resulting in improved overall employee well-being.
Increases retention and job satisfaction
When employees feel appreciated for the work that they do, they are more likely to be satisfied in their roles, and as a result, will be more likely to stay with the organization for longer. Research shows that approximately 88% of employees say that regular appreciation and recognition of their work increases their likelihood to stay within the company and refer others. This again proves that if you acknowledge employees, it may work in favor of the overall business too.
How to Effectively Show Appreciation in the Workplace
There are a number of ways to effectively show appreciation in the workplace. Here are some ideas:
Provide regular feedback and commend achievements constructively, so employees feel valued and heard, but also motivates employees and reinforces good employee practice. This can be done through regular check-ins or recognizing employees publicly in front of others.
Provide personalized recognition based on the employees preferences, to ensure the appreciation resonates with them. This can be done by tailoring feedback for employees, such as writing a note to someone who doesn’t like public attention or commending someone in your weekly team meeting who enjoys public attention.
Celebrate both small and big wins to show the continuous effort of appreciation.
This can be done by not only celebrating the completion of projects, but rather celebrating milestones or progress within a project. Another way of celebrating big and small wins is to acknowledge both individual and team efforts.
Provide opportunities for growth and development as a form of acknowledgement and appreciation. This also shows that you are invested in contributing to the employee’s career in the long-term. This can be done by providing mentorship or coaching sessions.
How to Create a Culture of Appreciation
It’s all good and well to have one or two colleagues that are appreciated for their work, but to see the most impact, you need to instill a culture of appreciation in the organization as a whole, ensuring that all employees are on the same page.
Here are a few ways to create a culture of appreciation:
- Ensure leaders lead by example and that they inspire all levels within the organization to show their appreciation for others.
- Use feedback surveys to understand how employees feel at work.
- Make use of anonymous messaging platforms to recognize and appreciate colleagues.
- Communicate the importance of appreciation in the workplace to employees.
In conclusion, showing your appreciation and acknowledgement of your colleagues or employees’ hard work results in them feeling valued, heard and motivated to continue working to the best of their abilities. Beyond this, when employees feel appreciated, it increases their productivity and efficiency, having a direct impact on the performance of the organization. To effectively show appreciation in the workplace, leaders should provide regular feedback to employees in a constructive manner, personalize the way that they show appreciation, celebrate both big and small wins and lastly, provide opportunities for growth and development. In order to successfully build a culture of appreciation, leaders should lead by example and inspire others within the organization, as well as make use of feedback survey tools and anonymous messaging platforms for employees to show their appreciation toward one another. In essence, showing your appreciation can go a long way for both the individual receiving the feedback and the organization, resulting in a high-performing winning team!