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We’re excited to introduce
our People Champion Award! 

A new initiative celebrating individuals who contribute to a sense of belonging, power winning teams and drive success. Whether you’re thinking of a HR leader revolutionizing your company's culture, a supportive manager who goes the extra mile or a dedicated team member making a significant impact, this is their chance to shine.

We invite nominations from organizations of all sizes and industries. If you know someone who embodies the spirit of inspiring their colleagues and fostering a positive workplace, nominate them today and let’s give credit where it is due.
Nominate Your People Champion

Frequently asked questions

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Who can be nominated?
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You can nominate anyone from your organization who is significantly influencing company culture or management through innovative people strategy practices. Someone who is driving meaningful change in how people in your organization feel connected, supported and valued. This includes HR professionals, but also team leaders or executives.

When do nominations open?
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Nominations are currently open. Make sure to nominate your People Champion by 13 September 2024.

How many nominations can I submit?
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You can submit as many nominations as you would like, however duplicate nominations will not be considered.

What does the winner receive?
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As a prize, the winner of the People Champion Award will receive a ticket to their local Formula 1 race.

When do nominations close?
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Nominations close on the 13th of September 2024.

When will the winner be announced?
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The winner will be announced on the 26th of September - HR Professional Day!