How to Win at #WFH

How to Win at #WFH
The recent pandemic has rapidly changed how people work, communicate, and interact. Globally, many businesses have implemented remote work policies to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. Working from home can be a radical change in routine and can take some time to get used to. At Qualee we have some tried and tested tips to help you adjust and maintain productivity.
It is important to create an area for yourself to work, create and be in the zone. Whatever you do, do not work from your bed. Having a dedicated space for your new 9-5 really separates work from home life. Find a place for your desk and chair that does not get disturbed by other individuals or leisurely activities and where you can leave all your work materials at the end of your workday. We recommend to fill this space with natural light and anything that keeps you inspired, such as books, art, photography prints or fresh flowers.
Understandably your regular morning routine has been thrown out the window as you're no longer rushing to the office. Take advantage of this new found morning time for a little extra self-care. You might decide to practice 30 minutes of yoga and write down your list of to-do's before jumping onto emails. Creating a morning routine for yourself can bring structure and purpose back into your day, which we've found to be a key practice to keeping our day on track.
Never underestimate the magic of a shower and a fresh outfit. These two actions can improve your headspace and in turn increase productivity. Also, seeing you dressed up on video calls will inspire your employees and colleagues to do the same. Our advice: even if you’re not going to the office, dress the part!
Time management is key when working remotely. Getting up at a reasonable time to practice your morning routine and allocating time-blocks for different tasks will keep your workload and stress levels manageable. Starting and finishing work at a regular time will also ensure you're keeping a routine schedule of professional focus and switching off.
Take this time to make yourself (or take out) a delicious and nutritious lunch and snacks. Fresh produce will help you stay fit, healthy and productive. Also make a point of getting away from your workstation and computer to have your meal. It is good for your mental health to take an actual break. Plus, focusing on what you’re eating will help with digestion and prevent overeating.
A remote work structure can feel isolating, which is why we find it essential to stay in touch with others. A quick (video) call is a good way to step outside the bubble. Conversations with loved ones may give you a new perspective or a boost of motivation you didn't know you needed. Chatting to professionals in your industry can keep you creatively energized. Founders and managers should make a point of regularly communicating with employees through motivational talks and engaging content, to check on their well-being and encourage them to stay healthy and productive.
At the end of each day, take time to clean up your workspace and write a list of what needs to finish tomorrow. These small step help signify that your work day has finished and it is now time to sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of your day.
We see this new trend of working remotely, albeit under the unfortunate circumstances, as a step forward. Companies putting their trust in people encourages them to work harder and smarter. It is through engagement, contribution and diligent effort of each employee that the success of an organization is shaped, whether it be in the office or from home.