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Increase Employee Engagement During The Holidays in 5 Ways

Friday, December 23, 2022

Increase Employee Engagement During The Holidays in 5 Ways

It comes as no surprise that employee engagement diminishes towards the end of the year, given that the holiday season now lasts from October to January. However, organizations can take advantage of this time to leverage their HR solutions to enhance employee experience (EX).

Research by the Harvard Business Review suggests that up to 40% of employees report reduced productivity by mid-December. [1]

We’ve come up with some ideas on how you can use technology to celebrate the holidays with employees: ‍

1. Create Festive Designs

Get into the festive spirit and give staff an extra reason to get involved with your company content by creating holiday themed designs. Ideas might include changing background images to align with holidays, refreshing color schemes, making logos holiday-themed, and much more.

2. Reduce Stress

The Holidays can be an incredibly stressful time for employees, especially in certain industries that see a surge toward the end of the year such as Retail and Hospitality. Make sure you have multi-channel communication tools and central repository solution in place like Qualee to allow for your people to easily reference company information and connect with management and peers.

3. Be Inclusive

Towards the end of the year, many cultures are celebrating their own holidays. Make sure that all these special occasions are called out, explained if necessary and celebrated, so everyone in your diverse workforce feels included.

4. Celebrate Unsung Heroes

Celebrate people who help your company succeed throughout the holidays by highlighting the unsung heroes who might otherwise go unnoticed. Ask line managers to nominate the employees who go above and above the call of duty, exemplify your company's values, and perform the unsung, behind-the-scenes job. Share their tales through internal communication channels like your intranet, and ask leadership or even your staff to vote for the best heroes. It provides those people with priceless recognition and a chance for their peers to express gratitude.

5. Reflect On Achievements

Holidays are an ideal time to reflect on your achievements from the previous year and use the lessons learnt to gear up for the new year.

The Qualee Team wishes you Happy Holidays!

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