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Strategies to Support Gen Z in the Workplace

Strategies to Support Gen Z in the Workplace

Gen Z is the newest generation to enter into the workplace, expecting to account for approximately 27% of the global workforce by 2025. Individuals in this generation were born between 1997 and 2012 and by growing up in a digital world, they bring about a new perspective and dimension to the workplace. In addition to this, Gen Z individuals also have their own expectations of the workplace compared to other generations, which can be difficult for organizations to navigate. Organizations that want to keep up with the times therefore need to have a clear understanding of Gen Z’s expectations, learn what motivates them and understand how to support them to achieve success. This article speaks to strategies that can be used to best support Gen Z in the workplace, ensuring you attract some of the best talent and that they maintain loyalty to your organization, ultimately guaranteeing success for all parties involved.

How to support Gen Z in the Workplace

Here are few strategies that you can adopt when supporting Gen Z in the workplace:

Creating a Culture of Connection and Impact
Gen Z typically thrives on purpose. If they’re able to make a significant impact or difference, you’re more likely to get them on your side. Gen Z will look for employers that have a clear vision, and good values that are in line with making a positive impact or difference in their communities. In order to attract and retain Gen Z employees, make sure that you align the roles and responsibilities of employees to the organization’s overall mission, vision and goals. It is also important to clearly communicate how their specific role will make an impact on larger company goals, this fulfills them with a sense of purpose.

Another way to support Gen Z in fulfilling their purpose, you can offer corporate social responsibility or volunteering initiatives that they can get involved with.

Utilizing Technology to Communicate
Gen Z is arguably the most technologically advanced generation, having been brought up in the time of smartphones, social media and instant messaging. Because they are accustomed to this, they expect workplaces to follow suit and adopt new technologies and prioritize digital communication methods. In order to best support Gen Z in the workplace, you could invest in modern tools and technology that provide employees with the ability to communicate quickly and work remotely. There are a number of modern day communication tools, such as Slack, Qualee and Microsoft Teams, that can increase productivity and overall work efficiency.

In saying this, there might be Gen Z employees or employees of other generations who are not all that familiar with technology. In this case, you could offer training to equip them with the necessary skills needed for their role.

Providing Flexibility and Balance
For Gen Z, flexibility and work-life balance are key. Gen Z will most likely look for organizations that allow employees to work remotely and manage their own time and tasks. To attract and retain Gen Z employees, consider implementing a flexible work policy that enables employees to work remotely and manage their own work hours. This will allow them to successfully balance the needs of work and their personal life. Beyond remote working and flexible work hours, it is also important to promote a culture that encourages employees to take regular time off and set boundaries to ensure their mental health is prioritized.

To do this, you could implement time-off policies or create mental health awareness initiatives to demonstrate your commitment to their wellbeing.

Advocating for and offering continuous development opportunities
Gen Z values career development and is always looking for ways to continuously improve and better themselves. Without surprise, Gen Z will typically look for organizations that are committed to investing in the development of their employees.

To appeal to Gen Z employees, you could implement workshops, online learning and development programs or mentorship programs that are tailored to their individual career goals and plans. It is also important to foster a culture that encourages continuous learning and development, emphasizing the importance of progressing both hard and soft skills in the workplace.

Promoting a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are paramount for Gen Z. They are inclusive, open to seeing things from multiple perspectives and expect the organization’s that they work for to adopt the same principles. Organizations should prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion to attract and retain Gen Z employees.

To do this, you could demonstrate your commitment to DEI through the implementation of certain policies or programs that promote a culture that encourages all people to share their views and opinions. It is important to ensure that your leadership echoes these principles throughout the organization.

Engaging transparently
Last but not least, Gen Z values authenticity and transparency in the workplace. They want to be kept informed on important issues, changes, decisions, goals and wins. It is important to create channels that enable Gen Z to share their opinions and thoughts on certain topics. This can be done through regular one on one meetings or surveys.

By openly communicating and sharing important company information with employees, it builds trust and enables the employees to align their individual work goals with the goals of the organization as a whole, ensuring alignment and belonging.


In conclusion, to attract and retain Gen Z employees it is crucial for organizations to understand how to best support them in the workplace. This can be done by adopting more digital communication channels in the workforce, promoting a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment, engaging transparently with employees, having a clear vision and aligning job roles and responsibilities to overall company goals, allowing flexibility and promoting work-life balance as well as advocating and offering continuous development opportunities. All these factors are important to Gen Z when considering joining and maintaining loyalty to an organization. Once you demonstrate your willingness to support Gen Z employees as an organization, they’ll be some of your top performers and the driving force behind powering your winning team!

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